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AL-QAIDA or compassion

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The entry of commentators of reality

with regard to those responsible for terrorist acts

is obviously focused on their audience reader. 

So it's about fear

and anything that can give it a little consistency. 

Of course

the question of why does not need to be posed finely. 

It is enough to mention AL-QAIDA ("  the base  ") and the individual who blows himself up, who sacrifices his life by trying to carry with him the greatest number of "passers-by", the one who is reduced to the role of "human bomb", disappears

in favor of explanations that prefer to deal with the way, the means and what they suppose, for example of organization.

Yet it is time to question the reasons for this double act:


kill yourself

A journalist whose name I have forgotten (he will excuse me easily, for him, I do not exist) made a very relevant and new remark today.

It was not really necessary in London to use kamikazes, it was enough (!) to put the bag and run away." 

Assuming that, then, why sacrifice yourself? 

Where is ultimately the center of gravity of the act:

to kill himself ?

kill ? 

It seems from the foregoing that the most important here is this self-sacrifice in a public place and for an almost definite cause.

The other dead only serve to value this self-immolation. 

My brother pointed out to me, while I mentioned Yann Palach,

that he had remained engraved in the memory of history (as a kind of saint) while AL-QAIDA's terrorists and other deadly organizations sink into oblivion very shortly after their act (even terror) of their act dissolves quickly

it is difficult to draw steles to them, even for those who believe in this "cause" and support it in silence.) 

Thus, it would be enough "if these candidates for sacrifice immolate themselves without extinguishing innocent lives for that their sacrifice becomes more important, can be inscribed in time and mark certain spirits ... positively. 

We might come to the right question then

Why do they give up life and why kill  ?"

(question for current murderous actions, arises almost constantly And never receives the same response "barbaric fanaticism".) 

isquons an answer: those people who wish to die for their cause, also kill because they believe more in our sensitivity from above (emotion, compassion) also act on our sensitivity from below (fear, terror) * 

Are they wrong? 

It is probable that if a man, a woman or even a child immolated themselves tomorrow, for example in Chechnya, the event would be far from being enlightened by this halo of indignation, stupor and compassion, which aroused the agony of Yann Palach on Wenceslas Square in Prague . 

We would be terrorized because we would not be able to do other emotions. 

In this area as in many others, in each of us, life must reconquer the lost ground on death, the machine, and all that hardens the skin, ... all skin. 

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